Arthur Andrew Medical Floraphage

Arthur Andrew Medical Floraphage

from $24.99

Promotes optimal digestive and immune health by increasing probiotic activity.

Do you need probiotics? If you’re having issues in one or more of the following areas, the answer is yes: 

-Frequent sickness-

-Regular antibiotic use

-Digestive problems such as diarrhea, gas, or bloating

-Stress, anxiety, or depression

All of the above issues can be associated with a deficiency of beneficial probiotics in the gut. Probiotics are the good bacteria your body needs to fight the bad bacteria and other organisms that threaten your health—and can lead to the symptoms above. 

With Floraphage, your body will have the powerful probiotics it needs to heal and protect itself from poor immunity, stomach issues, and mental challenges. Get ready to live your life free from the effects of an intestinal imbalance.

Source: Arthur Andrew Medical

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