Sonne's No. 7 Detoxificant

Sonne's No. 7 Detoxificant
Sonne's #7 Detoxificant is a natural and powerful detoxicant derived from bentonite, a mineral-rich volcanic clay. For centuries, native tribes around the world have recognized and benefited from the healing properties of bentonite clay in internal and external applications. In the early 20th century, bentonite clay was used by the British Army in India to treat acute bacterial food poisoning and in China to help treat cholera. We use a special process to refine the raw bentonite clay to remove mica, dirt and other impurities, in order to concentrate the active detoxifying ingredient, montmorillonite ("mont-mor-ill-o-nite"). This procedure places montmorillonite into a colloidal suspension and retains its innate negative charge. These properties allow the powerful adsorption (physical binding) of positively charged substances. (Most metabolic, environmental, and chemical wastes are positively charged.) Montmorillonite possesses the ability to adsorb about 40 times its own weight in positively charged substances present in the alimentary canal. Because montomorillonite has such strong adsorptive properties and is not digested, it tightly binds material to be excreted.
32 oz.
Source: Sonne's No. 7
Recommended Dosage: For average adults, take 1 tablespoon. For others, take 1 teaspoon for every 50 lbs. body weight.
Directions: Take 2 doses per day. The first one in warm water upon rising in the morning; the other undiluted at time of evening meal. It is important to drink plenty of water between meals to assist in elimination. It can also be taken in conjunction with #9 Intestinal Cleanser in juice or water. May be taken as long as desired.
Source: Sonne's Organic Foods Inc