Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Organic Fiber

Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Organic Fiber


Dr. Perlmutter recommends a healthy dose of prebiotic fiber every day to feed the growth of good bacteria in our digestive tract. Organic Fiber is from 5 nutritious superfoods: Organic Acacia, Organic Orange Peel, Organic Baobab Fruit, Organic Apple Peel and Organic Cranberry Fruit to support healthy elimination and help maintain healthy blood sugar.

6.8 oz.

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We have chosen the highest-quality, premium Acacia Gum (A. senegal) through the careful selection of raw materials and gentle manufacturing processes. Our Certified USDA Organic premium Acacia Senegal fiber is backed by clinical studies, has a strong prebiotic effect, is GMO free, has no taste, no color, is shelf stable and has 90% soluble fiber—the highest fiber content possible.

David Perlmutter, M.D., F.A.C.N.
America’s Brain-Health Expert, Board-Certified Neurologist, #1 New York Times  Best-Selling Author, Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, and Expert in the Human Microbiome.

Understanding the Human Microbiome
The human microbiome is an evolving collection of trillions of microbial organisms living in and on the human body. Leading research is only just starting to unlock the vast mysteries of the microscopic world of the human microbiome.

So just what could these good bacteria be doing for us? According to David Perlmutter, M.D., these beneficial microorganisms may be responsible for:

  • Aiding in digestion and the absorption of nutrients
  • Supporting immune system function
  • Producing and releasing important enzymes and substances
  • Helping with stress management
  • Assisting with countless healthy body systems and processes

Just What the Doctor Formulated
It’s time to take care of our microbiome. It’s up to us to support and nourish it through what we eat, what we expose ourselves to in our environment and the kind of lifestyle we lead. Dr. Perlmutter advocates honoring this system of health through understanding and avoiding the three biggest forces that work against the health of the gut’s good bugs.

Force #1: Exposure to substances that kill or otherwise adversely change the composition of the bacterial colonies. These include toxic chemicals used in conventional agriculture, household cleaners and in food (e.g., sugar, gluten), and even in water (e.g., chlorine).

Force #2: Unhealthy diet, and poor nutritional support for the diverse tribes of good bacteria (e.g., prebiotic fiber).

Force: #3: Stress

Dr. Perlmutter’s Essentials
To Support a Healthy Microbiome
Probiotics, Enzymes and Prebiotic Fiber work synergistically to support a healthy, whole food, organic diet.

- Source: Garden of Life

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